Roth IRAs and Living Chapter 2

In the previous IRA article we discussed how to use Traditional and Roth IRAs as part of your retirement savings. In this article we discuss the advantages of converting money from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA during your LivingChapter 2.

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Grab a Cool $100K with a Roth IRA

I have spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about ways to maximize my savings and minimize my tax liability. After much reading and talking to others, I think I understand how a Roth IRA can help you and me with savings and taxes.

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Lovers and Fighters in Mexico City

Our last article on Mexico City described the tours we took and the perspective we got on the local culture. But, I find that participating in local activities is an essential way to truly connect with the culture of a city. Accordingly, we managed to go to a couple of events specific to Mexico during our roving retirement stop in Mexico City.

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