For most of our gentle readers, the following yarn will simply be a diversion while you are enjoying your beverage of choice or perhaps waiting for a loved one to finish a doctor’s appointment. For others, it might give you an idea of what it takes to get a Temporary Mexican Residence Visa.
“Roamie Awards”, the Best of 2022
Nearly every time we get together with friends, someone will ask “what’s your favorite place?” We always struggle to answer. Here, we are presenting our choices for The 2022 Living Chapter 2 “Roamie” Awards, our top experiences for the year.
5 Things We Do to Make Ourselves Comfortable
We have been traveling for more than three years now and we have learned a lot about how to make ourselves comfortable wherever we go. Our arrival activities have increased over time as we’ve learned what makes us comfortable.
Inspiring Travel for Everyone Regardless of Your Health
The Nike folks say “Just do It”. That has always been my life philosophy. Find the things in your life that make you happy and just do them.
Our Second Bloggerversary – Reflecting on Being Foot Loose and Home-Free
It was two years ago, this week, that Diana and I chose to start sharing our Adventures, Challenges, and Insights in Early Roving Retirement. Our home-free adventure is bold and exciting for some and just plain scary for others. But we are definitely fulfilling our dream of a roving retirement.