By now, you all know that I broke my leg in November. The healing process is taking longer than we had hoped, hence the limes. So, we are going to Mexico to make Margaritas!
White Christmas in Tahoe
Skiing in Tahoe for Christmas is one of our few family traditions. This year, Mother Nature obliged with a few inches of fresh powder on and under the trees, nearly every day.
100 Yards from the Slopes
100 yards from the slopes is the measure we use for most of our lodging. We have learned the hard way the importance of location to the quality and enjoyment of our stay in a new place.
Our Vacation Ownership Experience
I have always said, never buy a timeshare in a resort that you wouldn’t want to visit every year. That’s because there is no guarantee you can trade it for something you want more.
The French Laundry
One of the many things on our Bay Area bucket list was to visit the French Laundry restaurant (Michelin 3 stars) in the Napa Valley for dinner.