Many people, us included, have been curious about how we would handle being in the middle of the Atlantic for so long. Overall, we had a pretty good time participating in onboard activities, working out, eating good food, and generally relaxing.
A Quick Visit to Florida and Boarding the Ship
Our next adventure had us boarding a ship to Europe. We figured we would try an alternative to flying by taking a transatlantic voyage. But before every long trip, or at the change of seasons, we pop into the Bay Area. We always visit friends, do some shopping, and replenish our stores.
Visiting Friends in the Beautiful Hills of Central California
Our roving retirement takes us back to the Bay Area every few months to visit family and friends. But over the last few years, many of our friends have moved to the Central part of California and it was time to visit.
Cruising Santa Barbara in a Convertible Lincoln
After spending a few days by the river in the Sequoia National Forest, we scooted over to our next “homestay” in Santa Barbara. The next installment of visiting friends in their newly (-ish) acquired digs as we enjoy more of our roving retirement.
Visiting Friends in the Sequoia National Forest
In recent years, many of our friends from the Bay Area have moved to Southern or Central California. So, after three years we thought it would be fun to visit, starting at my oldest friend’s second home on the Tule River in the Sequoia National Forest.