The next stop on our roving retirement Southeast Asia tour was Siem Reap specifically to see the nearly 1000-year-old Hindu temples built by early Khmer kings.
Adolescent Saigon
Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City was the next stop on our roving retirement tour of Southeast Asia. I refer to Saigon as adolescent because there was a tremendous amount of undirected energy.
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Roving retirement took us to Phnom Penh Cambodia to learn about the killing fields. It was a very emotional visit but one I would recommend to all of our readers.
What it’s Like Being on the Road
We have been homeless and traveling now for over two months, so we thought we would share some of our unexpected findings.
Ha Long Bay and Uncle Ho
Upon arrival in Hanoi, it was immediately apparent we weren’t in Laos anymore. Most things in Vietnam were more than Laos. The pace was faster. The streets are crowded and packed with motorbikes.