Here are our observations from lockdown in France. We had an exciting week with an accident, a horse grazing and lots of cleaning right outside of our apartment.
Not the Siren’s Song We Were Hoping For in France
The most notable happening during lockdown in Perpignan France this week is the unexpected air raid siren on Tuesday night at 8 pm notifying the population of the start of the curfew. You can hear the siren in the video below.
Lovers and Fighters in Mexico City
Our last article on Mexico City described the tours we took and the perspective we got on the local culture. But, I find that participating in local activities is an essential way to truly connect with the culture of a city. Accordingly, we managed to go to a couple of events specific to Mexico during our roving retirement stop in Mexico City.
Our Lockdown Diary – thru March 19th
It is clear that we will be here in Perpignan, France at least until the middle of April, if not longer. So, we thought we would let you know what is going on and how we are coping with the lockdown in France.
How we are Coping with Coronavirus in France
We know that you might be concerned about how we are coping with the Coronavirus here in Europe. Our roving retirement has been put on hold for a while as we participate in social distancing here in Perpignan, France.