Our main reason for heading into France was to attend our visa appointment at the Prefecture in Nice. That said, we lived in Nice for more than two months last year and we were anxious to visit some of our old haunts. We toyed with the idea of staying in and exploring another part of town but finally settled on staying in roughly the same neighborhood as we did before.
Want to Visit Europe – Get the EU Vaccine Passport
A big part of our roving retirement is traveling around Europe. However, during Covid lots of extra things need to be done. So, we thought we would describe our EU Covid pass experience. On our recent trip, people in Portugal and in France required our Euro QR code to verify our vaccination status.
Living Home-Free and the Puzzled Pooch
Ever since we sold our home and embarked on our home-free roving retirement a year and a half ago, I have sometimes thought about what “home-free” means and how I feel about it.
Timeshare Roadtrip 2020
Our roving retirement has been pretty stationary this year for a number of reasons. Thanks to Covid-19, 2020 could be the Year Of The Roadtrip for you.