Our nest egg has to last for the next 30-40 years to fund our roving retirement lifestyle. Therefore, I spend a considerable amount of time thinking about and managing our money, generally, and minimizing taxes, specifically. Today, I have some timely information regarding Roth Conversion to share.
Reasons To Consider a Roth Conversion Now
Roth conversions this year can be a great way to save on taxes later. Our money has to last for the next 30 to 40 years and fund our roving retirement lifestyle. So, I spend considerable time thinking about ways to save on taxes.
Roth IRAs and Living Chapter 2
In the previous IRA article we discussed how to use Traditional and Roth IRAs as part of your retirement savings. In this article we discuss the advantages of converting money from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA during your LivingChapter 2.
Grab a Cool $100K with a Roth IRA
I have spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about ways to maximize my savings and minimize my tax liability. After much reading and talking to others, I think I understand how a Roth IRA can help you and me with savings and taxes.