The most notable happening during lockdown in Perpignan France this week is the unexpected air raid siren on Tuesday night at 8 pm notifying the population of the start of the curfew. You can hear the siren in the video below.
Our Lockdown Diary – thru March 19th
It is clear that we will be here in Perpignan, France at least until the middle of April, if not longer. So, we thought we would let you know what is going on and how we are coping with the lockdown in France.
How I Don’t Kill Mike
Our new roving retirement lifestyle gives us even more time together because we are now working together. As a result, people have asked how we are coping or how I’ve not killed Mike.
Avoiding Brain Rot
In order to enable our roving retirement, we needed to be financially independent. For the longest time, I have been thinking about financial independence, the first part of acronym FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early).
Home Concierge, Getting By With A Little Help From a New Friend
How many times have you thought to yourself, I sure could use a hand? Someone who could help with errands, answer computer questions for your parents, get your streaming entertainment services working right, etc. Think about hiring a home concierge.