Just sit down with your favorite beverage and daydream about things that make you want to get up early in the morning. For me, that’s travel, skiing, and golf. Ask your spouse/SO to do the same and then compare notes.
The Big Week Is Here
Originally titled, “The Big Day is Here,” this article was started the day before our estate sale. However, seeing as this week has been such a rollercoaster for us, I have decided to write about the entire week in one article.
In Defense of Getting Squirreled #Humor
Originally, this post was to be about, well… I can’t remember.
I was lying awake in bed, writing this post in my mind, and got squirreled so many times I forgot what idea I started with.
Estate Sales Agents, How to Choose
My friend recently found herself needing to sell a house full of stuff and asked for my thoughts about estate sales. How to know what to do? Your Options for Cleaning Out a Home The first part of the investigation involved determining the options for cleaning out a home. When you do an online search […]
Major Life Changes as we Begin Chapter 2
It took us many years to structure the life we currently have with work, home, kids, and friends. Now, we’re trying to make monumental changes in our lives for our own Chapter 2 in just a few months. The task seems daunting sometimes. Our Plan First, I should tell you we are selling everything and […]