Retrospective on Our Big Trip

The idea of a roving retirement and being homeless has always been an exciting one for us and it was a happy accident that we started this journey with an around the world tour (Our Big Trip). But so much has happened in the last six months that we thought it would be interesting to look back on our adventure so far.

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Johannesburg in a Day

In life and roving retirement, you have to be flexible. After Diana got discharged from the hospital in Johannesburg, we spent another six days waiting for her to be “Fit-to-Fly” before returning to the US. One day during the wait, I took a ride on a sightseeing bus.

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Recharging in Zanzibar

It turns out that roving retirement is very tiring, especially out three-week tour of the Middle East. So in order to recharge before our much-anticipated tour of southern Africa, we planned a week in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

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