Our (almost) last stop in Europe for 2024 was in Bilbao, Spain. This might seem a little odd to you, but that is where the cheapest airfare back to the States originated from, and there is the Guggenheim Museum.
Quick Visits to Madeira, Casablanca, Barcelona, and Genoa
The first two ports of call after crossing most of the Atlantic Ocean were Madeira in the Atlantic and then Morocco in northwestern Africa. Two very different places we were quite curious about. After that, we had a short visit to Barcelona and a day in Genoa.
Four More Years! What Have We Found So Far?
Four years ago, Diana and I chose to launch our Adventures, Challenges, and Insights in Early Roving Retirement. Our home-free adventure is bold and exciting for some and just plain scary for others. What have we learned so far and how might we boldly go from here?
A Time for Chores, Family, Friends, and Fun
It was time for our nearly three months in Europe to come to an end. We weren’t unhappy with having to return to Barcelona to fly back to the Bay Area. Our roving retirement isn’t like a vacation, it’s like living in lots of different places while managing life stuff, much of which is in the Bay Area.
One Night Stands in Zaragoza, Barcelona and Montpellier
Having savored our final meal in San Sebastian, it was time to make haste to get to Nice for our date with visa renewal destiny. We decided to break up our 500+ mile journey with overnight stops in Zaragoza, Barcelona, and Montpellier. This made for a very roving retirement stretch of days.